What Does a Car Air Conditioner Service Include?
During the scorching temperatures of summer, the air conditioner in your vehicle will be used a lot. After some time, certain parts of the car ac will start to wear out. To keep your car ac performing optimally, you need to ensure regular maintenance. It would be better to have problems taken care of during servicing than ending up without a functioning ac in the middle of the road somewhere.
Car air conditioner parts like hoses and refrigerant charging hoses are just some of the parts of an automobile air conditioning system. Five major components work together to make sure your drive is cool and comfortable in the summers and warm and dry during winters, and they are:
Receiver/dryer or Accumulator
Orifice Tube or Expansion valve; and
What a Car AC Service Includes
The following is a list of a few typical problems that may be addressed during car ac servicing:
Coolant is replaced or topped up. The coolant tends to lose effectiveness due to prolonged exposure to extreme engine heat, quick stops, vibrations, road debris, and dirt.
The car ac compressor is checked for clogging or leaks. This is checked when the AC’s compressor cannot create pressure high enough to cool the refrigerant properly. Such a problem could be caused by a blockage or a clog in the system, or cracks causing the refrigerant to escape.
If there is still evidence of a leak, a possible source could be the ac condenser. The condenser is essentially a heat exchange located in your car’s engine bay. It can get damaged by debris because it is exposed to the oncoming air.
The cooling fan is checked, inspected, and replaced if found necessary. Cooling fans may be poorly mounted, may have burned out, fan blades may have chipped, or there has been a burnt-out relay or even a blown fuse.
Electricals are checked. Electrical problems may be sending a faulty signal due to broken wires, bad sensors, or a bad module.
It is important to get your car ac serviced at least once a year to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Aside from staying cool, you will also reap benefits like improved engine performance and a more comfortable drive.
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